Kilts & Kilt Outfits | Catering for boys aged 0 - 16, our kilts and kilt outfits come in a huge range of styles and tartans, from Royal Stewart to Irish.
Sporrans | Every kilt needs an appropriately sized and matching sporran. We sell sporrans catering for ages 4 to 14.
Shirts | We offer traditional Jacobite era shirts (also known as Ghillie shirts) appropriate for boys aged 3 - 14.
Jackets & Waistcoats | From the traditional Prince Charlie jacket to standard tartan waistcoats our range of Scottish jackets & waistcoats cater for chest sizes 25" to 34".
Accessories | Add the finishing touches to your kilt outfit with our boys Scottish accessories. Including (but not limited to) boys belts, boys buckles, boys socks, boys sock flashes, and boys shoes.